Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My very first Blog

After reading so many people's blogs, I have decided that I should set up my own blog as well.


I tried keeping a diary before but never succeeded....I wonder if this would continue...

My life like any other Singaporean, is pretty boring other from the fact I do not work in Shenton Way.

I'm a Farmer.

Or a Fisherman.

Well, I deal with fish. What a waste of time and energy to go through Uni....and end up being a farmer.

Big dreams of being a pilot, actor, research fellow....all gone. I'm simply a farmer now.

It's not really an easy job....I've got like over 3000 names to remember, each name has a common and scientific name....and prices for all 6 sizes. (S SM M ML L XL)

I've gotta manage people that are twice my age and scold pratically everyone.

I work 7 days a week. Beat that!

I need a break...and soon.

Flying off to OSAKA on the 12th...and will be back soon. Too many things to do actually. Too little time. I normally get my fix for writing on the SHEARES FORUM, but for some fucked up reason, the Forum server is down and nobody has any intentions of getting it back up. Apparently the IT Chair hates the Hall and the P is going through a BAD BREAK UP.

AHhhh.........what a stupid excuse.

I'll write more later...once I get my thoughts organised.


Threez said...

Hello Mr Tiger Killer!

Fish is a big industry, particularly for Singapore! So please don't see yourself no up.

Do post more-- you have a very funny and readable style. Add pictures of your fish too.

You should share about the "inside" world of fish trading -- I read somewhere Kenny Yap's sharing about how to buy and pick fish, fish trends etc, which I think are very interesting. Like where do you travel to and what sort of weird fish do you see (photo!).

Eh, or do you buy fish for eating one? (Even better! What does sushi look like before and after? haha)

Keep writing!

Monkey said...

omg you're from sheares :o
... monkey was from next door neighbor... lol and for a while i was the *cough*webmaster*cough*


farmer very lousy meh? wah lau farmers are the roots of our society. but then u also not growing food.. i take it back :D